A fresh cut and flocked Christmas tree stands waiting to be decorated and 2 double batches of Midwest chocolate and butterscotch chip cookies cover the dining room table, with some still baking in the oven. Can't you just smell the wonderful aromas? I wish I could. My sense of smell has not returned very much since my adenocarcinoma of the sinus cancer surgery. Once and awhile I catch a whiff of something, but not often. On one hand, that means I don't smell the bad things either, like poopy diapers! On the other hand, it also affects my sense of taste, and so chocolate doesn't have the same appeal as it once did... oh well. Time to get back to the cookies, some of which will be shared with the Cancer Support Group I started at our church. It has been great to have others to talk to and pray with.
Yes, I have cancer, but last Christmas, I was starting life saving chemotherapy and radiation therapy!
Yes, I have cancer, but this Christmas, I am a happy granny living life to the fullest and leaving soon to visit my granddaughter in Arizona!
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