Sunday, October 6, 2019


I've really slacked off on updating this blog because I think sometimes I feel complacent when symptoms are minimal and we're back to doing life the way we used to, at least for the most part. There is a lot on here from the first few years, along with some great music and inspiration, if you're interested in checking it out.
I must admit I have had a few scares over the past couple years when bloody noses brought back frightening memories, but there was never anything to worry about. I am very grateful and thank God for every day. So I have not heard it professionally, but I do believe that the five year mark, post cancer surgery, will put me in the category of being in remission. My cancer removal surgery date was October 30th, 2014.
In the five years since my cancer diagnosis, I have done a lot of traveling and welcomed two grandchildren with a third on the way. Life has been good, and even when challenges arose, my attitude had softened with the pervasive "every day is a gift" mantra. Moving forward, my plan is to maintain my positive attitude, and live as pieceably as possible asking my family and friends. Making the most of everyday, every experience a blessing. Thank you for checking out this blog have a wonderful day!

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