So it's been a couple of months and a lot has happened. The surgery to remove my scar tissue was a huge success! The stents were uncomfortable but so worth it! Still can't shake my infections, so I left for our family wedding and vacation trips while still taking 2 oral antibiotics and a third in my sinus rinse. It was awesome to feel healthy enough for travel and to get to visit with so many family and friends. I also got to meet some family for the first time! Vacation in DC made me nervous about getting worse infections because we used public transportation and toured public places every day. I was always washing my hands but never felt clean for long.
Upon my return, I had another post surgical appointment when they took the usual cultures to monitor my infections. I asked if the fact that I hadn't been able to be infection free since the cancer surgery over 8 months ago was a concern and they said no. Lengthy infections after radiation therapy is very common since all my antibodies in my sinuses were destroyed. They are healing, just slowly.
However, the call I received yesterday was to inform me of a new infection, something had grown in the petri dish since the appointment. It was not from using public transportation, or even from the bacteria filled water at Wild Waves waterpark (and I did have permission to go to a water park), but it is most likely from working with our compost in our flower and veggie gardens. It's a serious fungal infection called mucormycosis. The oral medicine will be taxing on my liver and is crazy expensive, like $75 per pill times 8 per day for 30 days! That's over $16,000 for 30 day supply! Thankfully they are covered by insurance. The additional meds are made by a specialty compounding pharmacy near Bremerton. I mix them with distilled water and use in my sinus rinses. One is covered and the other is only $75 per month supply. Cheap by comparison! They arrive on Friday.
Oh! The really strange part is that I also have to meet with the CDC, Center for Disease Control! I'm not really sure why, but maybe they will come in white hazmat spacesuits and check out our compost bin? Maybe it's also in the open bin on the counter we throw compostable food peels into? I guess I'll find out when they will meet me at my July 13th appointment when I get my MRI and see my surgeon again. 
Funny thing is that sometimes God provides in unexpected ways! We received a refund check from our mortgage company today which will cover the most recent costs! Sorry but the pic is blurry on purpose.
My treatment needs to be aggressive, a word usually associated with the cancer, but this time with a treatment. I don't like it in either case. This fungus needs to be stopped before it spreads to my lungs. Your prayers are coveted. Yes, I have cancer, but I'm thankful for my great team of doctors! Yes, I have cancer, but I'm thankful for scientists of pharmaceuticals. Yes, I have cancer, but I'm thankful for all your encouragement and prayers! Please take the time to listen to the many songs I've posted below on this blog. they are very encouraging whatever your situation may be. Be blessed!
More to come.
More to come.
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