Monday, February 9, 2015

So much has happened...

Hello friends and family,
I truly appreciate you following my cancer journey on this blog and through facebook and other avenues. There are still days when I look in the mirror and ask myself is this really happening... and denial is still strong. My prayers are focused on it NEVER returning. As healing begins, symptoms worsen, and I wonder if I could do this again. Am I strong enough? Good thing I don't have to be strong enough on my own.
Chemotherapy ended on Monday, January 26th and radiation ended on Tuesday, February 3rd. Both ended earlier than I thought they would so it was a great surprise! Everyone said the next two weeks would be worse than any days before had been, but I wasn't really prepared for what came next.
The following description isn't pleasant. As my body works overtime to replenish radiated cells, my glands are also working overtime to produce an abundance of  gross metallic tasting saliva and the even grosser, burnt flesh, now resembling shoe leather, nasal discharge. I promise you description wise, that's the worst of it. My other symptoms are that my head pounds all day and night, and the 4000 mg of Tylenol I'm allowed daily doesn't really touch it, and that my nose is constantly plugged up, and saline rinses help a little, but it still feels like razors line the insides of my nostrils. My throat is often dry and sore from forced mouth breathing and the pressure points in front of my ears are quite painful... That may be all... Oh and I'm not sleeping well, cat naps is all, so I'm pretty puffy in the face.
Enough complaining. I am managing my warfarin and my INR number level is 2.2 today. I don't know what INR stands for but it has to do with my blog clot and blood thinner medication. I made several candy centerpieces and took them to the teams that have been helping me get through Chemo and Rad these past 6 weeks. They were well received and delivering them was a way of closing that chapter in my journey. 
Today, I'm back on an anti nausea med, the Tylenol, and added Benadryl, along with my regular meds and warfarin. This combo is helping me get through the days and nights until I start to feel like my old self again. More to come. 

1 comment:

  1. My heart walks with you in this brief "Rapids" on you healing river journey. God bless you, my friend. I appreciate your open heart and the projects. They reflect your heart of gratitude.
